I recommend the program but insist that you must exercise discipline to make it work for you. Discipline paid off and I can now touch type almost as fast as I could previously but with complete confidence that my new touch typing skills will soon have me typing much faster than with my old method. I made steady progress by forbidding myself to not proceed to the next lesson till I had achieved 20 WPM with an accuracy of 95%. Finally, determination and a reduction in the need for high speed typing in the immediate future, I vowed I would resume and complete the lessons. Besides which, you could type faster that way! After two attempts and for expediency, reverting back to my old habits, I found myself dropping the practice sessions. I found TypeFaster tedious because it made the previously unused fingers ache and in the early stages, because the lessons had not imparted enough to actually use what you had learned for your everyday typing needs, you went back to your old method. After seeing a colleague touch typing at an incredible speed, I vowed I would teach myself to do the same.